Raising Beef 101: A homegrown economic driver for the state of South Carolina

South Carolina is home to a legacy beef production industry, and there are many benefits to eating local beef, experts say. 

Local beef is fresher, healthier, and more sustainable than beef that is shipped from long distances because the product is fresher and has not been transported for a long period of time and distance. Fresher beef is more flavorful and has a higher nutrient content.

South Carolina has a long history of cattle ranching, and today there are over 1,000 beef farms in the state. These farms produce high-quality, grass-fed beef that is in high demand by consumers. When you buy local beef, you are supporting these farms and the families who work on them including the fine folks at Tanyard Springs Cattle in Abbeville County or Back Country Farms in Anderson County.

sc beef farms

Are there health benefits to choice cuts?

You bet. Local beef is healthier than beef that is raised in large, industrial feedlots. Beef cattle raised on the small majestic farms of South Carolina are often grass-fed and have access to open pastures. This type of diet is healthier for the cattle and produces beef that is lower in fat and calories.

In addition, local beef is more sustainable than beef produced on large, industrial farms. Large-scale beef production can have a negative impact on the environment, including water pollution and greenhouse gas emissions. 

Grass-fed beef is lower in fat and calories than grain-fed beef. It is also higher in omega-3 fatty acids, which are beneficial for heart health, research has shown. Additionally, grass-fed beef is produced in a more sustainable way than grain-fed beef. Grass-fed cattle require less land and water, and they produce less greenhouse gas emissions. Local beef production, on the other hand, can actually help to improve the environment. For example, grazing cattle can help to control weeds and pests, and their manure can be used as fertilizer. 

Finally, buying local beef supports local farmers and businesses. When you buy local beef, you are putting money back into your community. This helps to support local jobs and businesses, and it also helps to ensure that there will be a future for agriculture in your community.

Raising Beef and local economics

Economic development is a key benefit and we think at the South Carolina Beef Cooperative ought to be a mine motivator for buying local beef. 

When you buy local beef, you are supporting businesses that are located in your community — this includes the farmers who raise the cattle, the feedlots that fatten them up, and the processors who butcher them. The proprietors of these cattle enterprises all contribute to the local economy by creating jobs and generating tax revenue.

If you are looking for a way to support your local community, promote economic development, and eat a healthier diet, then you should buy local beef. The South Carolina Beef Cooperative is a great resource for finding local beef. The cooperative has a website — the one you are one right now — where you can find a list of member farms and retailers. You can also find recipes, cooking tips, and news about the benefits of eating local beef.

grilled steak and vegetables

South Carolina beef makes for a healthy and delicious meal.

South Carolina’s beef industry is a major economic driver for the state, contributing billions of dollars to the economy and supporting tens of thousands of jobs. The industry is also a major source of food for South Carolinians, with beef being the most popular meat in the state.

The macroeconomics of South Carolina’s beef industry are closely tied to the state’s restaurant industry. Restaurants are a major source of demand for beef, and they also play a role in promoting the consumption of beef. In recent years, the restaurant industry in South Carolina has been growing, which has been a positive development for the beef industry.

Next time you are looking for a good cut of beef, go local through the South Carolina Beef Cooperative.