Why Locally Produced South Carolina Beef is Better

sc beef, prime cuts,

The economic benefit when you buy and eat local beef

The beef in most grocery stores has been transported over a period of time and often over long distances while local beef is produced and processed right here in South Carolina. This minimizes fuel consumption, reduces stress on the animals and decreases opportunities for temperature variations that can result in off-flavors or even worse, bacterial contamination. Decreased time from the pasture to your plate makes South Carolina beef more flavorful and higher in nutritional content.

From the mountains to the sea, South Carolina has a long history of cattle production. Today there are over 1,000 beef farms in the state. They produce high-quality beef that is in demand by both restaurants and home chefs from Charleston to Greenville and everywhere in between. When you buy local beef, you are supporting these farms and the families who work them.

Other benefits to eating local beef…

Local beef is healthier than beef that is born in one place, fed in another, trucked across multiple states and then packaged for shipping back to our state to be sold on grocery store shelves. Beef cattle born and fed on one of our beautiful farms – whether from the Coastal areas or the sandhills of the mid-state or the glorious mountains of the Blue Ridge – often have access to open pastures for grazing and pristine fresh water on family operated farms where the soil and grass are healthy.

cattle-farmingYoung animals are finished right here in South Carolina rather than being trucked to feedlots west of the Mississippi before being slaughtered, boxed up, and shipped back to a grocery chain for you to purchase. All those miles add up to a negative impact on the environment and a higher cost due to fuel expenses.

Local beef production helps to improve the environment in other ways. Grazing cattle moving from pasture to pasture help to control weeds without pesticides, riparian (grassy) areas along stream and river banks decrease erosion and water pollution, and the animals’ manure is returned right back to the soil as fertilizer.

Last but not least, buying local beef supports local families. When you buy local, you are putting money back into your own community by supporting local jobs and businesses. It also helps to ensure there will always be local food and other agricultural products in your community.

The economics of local South Carolina beef

Economic development is a key benefit. When you buy local beef, you are supporting businesses that are located in your community, not just the farmers who raise the cattle, but other businesses like feed stores, truck dealerships, truck repair shops, tire dealerships, agriculture supply stores, and others including the processors who process the animals for comsupmtion. ALL these businesses contribute to the local economy by creating jobs and generating tax revenue.

If you’re looking for a way to support your local community, promote economic development, and eat a healthier diet, buy local beef. The South Carolina Beef Marketing Cooperative is a great resource for finding local beef. Look on the “Find Local Beef” link for a list of member farms and retailers. You can also find recipes, cooking tips, and news about the benefits of eating local beef.

Beef is an economic driver for South Carolina

South Carolina’s beef industry is a major economic driver for the state, contributing billions of dollars to the economy and supporting tens of thousands of jobs. The industry is also a major source of food for our citizens since beef ranks as the most popular meat in the state.

South Carolina’s beef industry is also closely tied to the state’s restaurant industry. Restaurants want to serve the best possible beef and in return, this demand plays a role in promoting the consumption of beef. The restaurant industry in South Carolina is booming especially with the recent growth in tourism all of which has led to positive development for the beef industry.

Next time you are looking for a good cut of beef, go local through the South Carolina Beef Marketing Cooperative.